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DYNAMO is designed as an innovative and pioneering training network, with the unique vision of developing the next generation hybrid nanopore technology exploiting DNA nanostructures integrated with multifunctional solid-state platforms


The DYNAMO consortium groups 9 hiring Universities/Research Centers: Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Genova; TU Delft (NL), University of Cambridge (UK), CNRS (Marsille - France), CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian - Spain), University of Leipzig (Germany), University of Berlin - Humboldt University (Germany), University of Milano Bicocca (Italy). Together, these universities have a proven track record in the single molecule analyses, spectroscopies and manipulation and are the leaders in their field in Europe. 1 Industrial Partner is completing the Doctoral Network, with a view to the commercial applications of the technologies under development.


Dynamo 2nd School

Nano-plasmonics and applications
23-25 April 2024 (Virtual)